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Introducing IUIU

· One min read
Lead Maintainer @ Kitiplex
Maintainer @ Kitiplex
Maintainer @ Kitiplex
Maintainer @ Kitiplex
Maintainer @ Kitiplex

⚡️ Welcome

We are very happy to introduce IUIU - a straightforward documentation website built by humans for humans. 🎉 🥳️

The term IUIU or pronouced as yuyu holds two distinct and contrasting definitions, signifying both positive and negative aspects.

  • ✅ The letters 'I' and 'U' are easily accessible and;
  • ✅ In the local dialect, IUIU pronounced as 'yuyu' translates to 'uncle' suggesting the idea that "You cannot teach old dogs new tricks". 😄

⚡️ Abstract

Our aim is to establish an intuitive Knowledge Base Portal with well-organized information, esuring universal accessibility and usefulness.

This project is innovatively inspired by the 80/20 rule or the Pareto Principle where:

  • We can get 80% of the results for 20% of the effort;

  • 80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes, asserting an unequal relationship between inputs and outputs.

⚡️ Tech aspects

IUIU is built with Docusaurus --typescript variant based on several factors including the notion of "Modern problems requires modern solution". Get to know more about TypeScript.

npx create-docusaurus@latest my-website classic --typescript